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Download Magento Mod for GTA San Andreas PC

Download Magento Mod for GTA San Andreas PC

How to use this Mod:

1. Type MGNT to activate the mod
2. Your player will receive armor and become bulletproof
3. Your player will get health regeneration
4. By default, the target is pedestrian, press R to change the target to the vehicle and vice versa
5. See Controls to know the press button
6. Jump and hold X to levitate based on camera direction, press T to change levitation speed
7. Type MGNT again to deactivate the mod
8. When your player dies or busted, it will deactivate the mod automatically

The controlling vehicle is based on the camera direction

Peds mode:
Press 1 to throw peds up to the sky
Press 2 to disarm them

Vehicle mode:

Press 1 to list all vehicles
Press 2 to pull all vehicles
Press 3 to push all vehicles
Press 4 to drag all vehicles

Look Here!

If You Want to Download This Mod Here are Tow Servers, For Google Drive Click Here For Media Fire Click Here I Hope You Understand How You Can Get File From Here (Thank You).

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