The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 7/10
I didn't even know this movie was a thing that was happening let alone available on Netflix because I would've easily seen this in theaters. This Cohen Brothers movie The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs is a series of six shorts films that are not really connected but tied together by being in a book. Some stories seem longer than others and while none of them are bad the longest one was the least interesting to me which is why I didn't rate this higher.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
This one stars Tim Blake Nelson as Buster Scruggs. He is a cheerful ass cowboy that is riding his horse through canyons and into a town just singing his heart out. I didn't know if the whole movie was gonna be like this but I wouldn't have been mad if it were. This was by far my favorite story in the film. He is super nice and polite but explains that he is an outlaw. He heads into a bar where he is turned down for a drink because of how he looks and gets into it with another patron. It was one of the funniest death scenes I'd seen in a long time and I rewound it and cracked up even harder. After singing about killing dude the dead guys brother shows up and challenges Buster to a duel and ends up having every finger shot off one by one. Buster is then challenged to a duel by another guy that shows up playing a harmonica. I loved the weirdness of this short story and would watch an entire series based on this guy.
James Franco is a cowboy that robs this bank that is near nothing but a well and dirt. He tries to rob the bank but the guy escapes. The cowboy steals a bunch of money but after heading outside is shot at by the banker covered in pots and pans. The dude is bulletproof! He knocks the cowboy out who then wakes up seated on a horse with a noose around his neck. Before he is hanged some natives show up and kill all the would be hangers but leave him tied up still. He is eventually saved only to be taken to be hung somewhere else! I liked this short, intense little tale.
There had to be a sad ass story and by god this one is it. It stars Liam Neeson and Harry Melling as a traveling act. Liam is the caretaker for this guy that has no arms or legs that tells beautiful stories in small towns. The crowds get smaller and they make less money as time goes on but the guy has enough money to sleep with prostitutes in the same room as the kid. It's creepy and gross. He has to take care of the kid in every way because he is their meal ticket but grows weary of it and does the most dickish of thing in the history of dicking. I liked this story but holy shit it was sad. I also didn't know that the kid was the same one that was the mean chubby one from the Harry Potter films.
This one stars Tom Waits as a panhandler searching for gold. He arrives at this beautiful land and begins to immediately tear it up looking for what he calls Mr. Pocket which is a large area of gold. I mean he jacks the place up. One day he finds the gold and immediately is shot in the back by this young guy who then lights a smoke and chills. Just when he goes to move the body, surprise, bitch!, the old man is alive and super pissed off about having to do all that hard work and then shot in the back. He ends up killing the kid and getting the gold. I was so not sure which way this story was going.
This one is about a woman named Alice Longabaugh played by Zoe Kazan. She leaves with her brother on a caravan for Oregon and it is not even a definite thing that the jobs and life they are traveling to even really exist. Along the way he ends up dying and one of the handlers falls for Alice and proposes marriage. The way he does it is so not romantic but super logical. It is how I'm afraid I would propose. It makes sense for Alice because she really does not have options. There is also this side issue with a dog she has that belonged to her brother that is annoying as hell. One day on the trail the dog finds Alice and then some natives find them. One of the other handlers hands her a gun and tells her if they are overrun he will shoot her and them himself or she can shoot herself. After the attack that seems like a lost he ends up winning but finds that Alice has shot herself dead. This was not a bad story but felt very long and was my least favorite.
This one I liked for the strangeness of it all. Five passengers are in a stagecoach. This Englishman, an Irish dude, a trapper who does I swear a three minute monologue without stopping, a lady who has not sen her husband in years, and a French guy are all traveling. They have various odd conversations and at one point the lady gets upset and can not breathe. They want the driver to stop but the French guy lets them know that the driver never stops. The English guy looks out and sees the driver just whipping the shit out of the horses. The scenery gets progressively darker as they travel at crazy speeds. The stagecoach stops at this crazy ass hotel and by this point they all begin to realize what's going on and accept it. This was my second favorite story. I think I just like singing in the middle of films.
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