The theme year for the Jackson (MS) Wargamers will be
Colonial Adventuring. It will largely be Victorian Colonial games, but we will venture into the French & Indian Wars (including some imagi-nation gaming in the
Capitania General de Florida) and other areas that meet our rather lax definition of Colonialism. So there will be fewer European Seven Years War imagi-nation units depicted in 2009 and more Victorian Colonial units.

And the first are my Beja war band for conflicts in the Soudan. These are all vintage Ral Partha figures which I have had for a number of years.

This unit of 12 camelry warriors forms the mounted component of the Beja warband of Abdul Aboulboul Amir.

And this is just a few of the two 20-figure infantry bands that fight for the Amir in the Soudan against the Imperialist British and their Egyptian lackeys!
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